Workshop content
First you choose your favourite wallet online. At the workshop, each participant will receive a kit with leather, needle and thread. And off they go. Together with master shoemaker Philipp Schwarz, the wallets are sewn together step by step. The 1.5-hour interactive workshop is suitable for families, school groups, groups of friends or as a company event.
By the way, craftsmanship is not a prerequisite - everyone will be able to hold their own wallet in their hands at the end of the workshop.
Philipp Schwarz
is continuing the 150-year-old tradition of making Goiserer shoes in Goisern. He deliberately chose an adult apprenticeship in the second educational path to turn his passion for craftsmanship into a profession. In 2016, he opened his own shoemaking workshop in Bad Goisern. "Bad Goisern is nourishing soil when it comes to crafts. It's nice to work in a region where craftsmanship has such value," says Philipp.
Info and registration
Bad Goisern Tourist Office, +43 059 5095
Creator: Der Goiserer (, E-mail, Tel +43 664 4643234
Sewing a purse
Location: Hand.Werk.Haus Salzkammergut, Rudolf-von-Alt-Weg 6
Programme: Workshop Geldtasch'l/Wallet to sew together yourself
- Saturday, 26. November 14:30 - 16:00
- Saturday, 03. December 14:30 - 16:00
- Saturday, 17. December 14:30 - 16:00
With Philipp Schwarz
Number of participants: min. 6, max. 25
Price: € 51.90 incl. COMAKE Wallet kit/person
All prices in Euro incl. VAT. Errors, typographical errors and changes excepted. In case of non-utilisation of one or more services from the booked package, no compensation can be granted.